Chair of International Relations

Here you find a selection of publications by the projects and researchers at the Chair of International Relations at IPW-HSG.

Telegraph Battle Lines Podcast, 27 March 2024

On today's bonus episode of Battle Lines James Rothwell speaks to Professor James Davis, a former advisor to Angela Merkel's government and the head of a new research group, the European Nucleus Study Group. which has been launched to advise experts and European leaders on the current nuclear crisis between Russia and NATO. They discuss what the west reaction would be to a nuclear attack by Russia and what precedent that would set for countries like India, Pakistan and North Korea.

How would the EU react to a nuclear strike by Russia?

To the podcast

October, 2024

Anarchy, Evolution, and Ethics in International Relations | Political Science Quarterly | Oxford Academic
Publications as of January, 2022


Clausewitz on Small War (together with Christopher Daase, editor and translator), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.

Psychology, Strategy and Conflict: Perceptions of Insecurity in International Relations (editor), Oxford: Routledge, 2013.

Terms of Inquiry: On the Theory and Practice of Political Science, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005.

Threats and Promises: The Pursuit of International Influence, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 2000.

Articles, Book Chapters & Blogs

“The Macrofoundations of Behavioral and Rational Choice Assumptions in IR” (under review).

“A Biased ‘Radical’ or a False Choice?” Constructivist Foundations 16, 3 (2021).

“I Think, Therefore IR? Psychology, Biology, and the Notion of Praxis,” in G. Hellmann & Jens Steffek (eds.) Praxis as a Perspective on International Relations. Bristol: Bristol University Press (in press).

“The Past, Present, and Future of Behavioral IR,” (with Rose McDermott), International Organization 75/1 (2021).

“The Return of Great Power War?” in Periodical #20 Taking Risks When Others Hesitate. Munich: Stern Steward Institute (2019).

ISSF Roundtable 10-18 on Daniel Bessner. Democracy in Exile: Hans Speier and the Rise of the Defense Intellectual (Nov. 26, 2018). Available at:

Review of Sibylle Scheipers, On Small War: Carl von Clausewitz and People’s War, Contemporary Political Theory (2018).

“Promises and Threats,” (with Rose McDermott), Analytic Frameworks Project of the National Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC (2018).

“Breaking the Impasse with North Korea,” Lawfare (Sept. 13, 2017). Available at:

“Rethinking the Role of Human Rights in the International Refugee Regime,” Lawfare (March 10, 2017), available at:

“Response to Sibylle Scheipers,” (with Christopher Daase), Small Wars & Insurgencies, Vol. 27, No. 2 (2016).

“Dialogue with Arnold Wolfers,” in Richard Ned Lebow, Peer Schouten & Hidemi Suganami (eds.), The Return of the Theorists. Dialogues with Great Thinkers in International Relations. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.

“Introduction to Clausewitz on Small War,” in Christopher Daase and James W. Davis (ed. & transl.) Clausewitz on Small War. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.

“Nuclear Arms Proliferation and the Utility of the Non Proliferation Regime,” (with Ursula Jasper) in Saul Takahashi (ed.), Human Rights, Human Security, and State Security; the Intersection. Santa Barbara: Praeger, 2014.

“Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons as a ‘Trojan Horse’: Explaining Germany’s Ambivalent Attitude,” (with Ursula Jasper) in European Security (December 2013).

ISFF Roundtable 6-4 on Trust in International Cooperation: The Creation of International Security Institutions and the Domestic Politics of American Multilateralism (Nov. 21, 2013). Available at:

“Introduction,” in James W. Davis (ed.), Psychology, Strategy and Conflict: Perceptions of Insecurity in International Relations. Oxford: Routledge, 2013.

"The (Good) Person and the (Bad) Situation: Recovering Innocence at the Expense of Responsibility?" in James W. Davis (ed.), Psychology, Strategy and Conflict: Perceptions of Insecurity in International Relations. Oxford: Routledge, 2013.

“Political Power and the Requirements of Accountability in the Age of WikiLeaks,” (with Miriam Meckel) in Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 22 (2012).

“A Critical View of Global Governance,” in Swiss Political Science Review 18 (2012).

"The Timeliness of Pre- and Early Modern International Law: A View from Political Science," in Zeitschrift für historische ForschungBeihefte 45 (2011).

"Can Disarmament Work? Debating the Benefits of Nuclear Weapons" (with Josef Joffe) in Foreign Affairs 90, 4 (Jul/Aug 2011).

"Less than Zero" (with Josef Joffe), in Foreign Affairs 90, 1 (Jan/Feb 2011).

"From Logic to Logics: The Relationship of Particular Cases to General Patterns in Social Life," in Nicholas Onuf et al. (eds.), On Rules, Politics, and Knowledge. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.

"Transatlantic Relations," in Bertrand Badie et al. (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Political ScienceLondon: SAGE, 2010.

"Washingtons Krieg gegen den Terror -- Lehren aus den Fehlern der Bush-Administration," in Reinhard C. Meier-Walser (ed.), Die Aussenpolitik der USA. Präsident Obamas neuer Kurs und die Zukunft der transatlantischen Beziehungen. München: Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, 2009.

"Sicherheitswirtschaft: Auch eine Public Management-Herausforderung," Sicherheit und Frieden, 25, 4 (2007).

Einfluss der jüdischen Lobby auf die amerikanische Außenpolitik: Ein neuer verdeckter Antisemitismus? St. Gallen: Liberales Forum, 2007.

"Wessen Wille? Welche Ordnung? Eine Replik auf Zürn et al.," Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 14, 1 (2007), pp. 175-81.

"Abusing the Holocaust Analogy?" Security Studies 15, 4 (2006), pp. 706-12.

"Confounding Conceptual Clarity," Qualitative Methods: Newsletter of the American Political Science Association Organized Section on Qualitative Methods, Vol. 3, 2 (Fall 2005).

“Europäische Sicherheit und transatlantische Beziehungen,” in Franz Kernic & Gunther Hauser (eds.), Handbuch zur europäischen Sicherheitspolitik. Vienna: Peter Lang Verlag, 2005.

“When Norms Clash: International Norms, Domestic Practices and Japan's Internalisation of the GATT/ WTO”, Review of International Studies 31 (2005), pp. 3-25 (with Andrew P. Cortell).

(Selected  "Best Article of the Year" by the British International Studies Association)

“German Unification” (with William Wohlforth) in Richard K. Herrmann and Richard Ned Lebow (eds.) Ending the Cold War. New York: Palgrave, 2003.

“Zur Zukunft der NATO: Reflexionen eines Amerikaners in Deutschland,” in Argumente und Materialien zum Zeitgeschehen 34 (München: Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, 2002).

“German Fictions: An Exchange,” The National Interest 62 (Winter 2000/1), pp. 97-102

“Understanding the Domestic Impact of International Norms: A Research Agenda,” in International Studies Review 2, 1 (Spring 2000), pp. 65-87 (with Andrew P. Cortell).

“Taking Offense at Offense-Defense Theory,” International Security 23, 3 (Winter 1998/99), S. 179-206.

Reprinted in Michael E. Brown et al. (eds.), Offense, Defense, and War. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2004.

“How Do International Institutions Matter? The Domestic Impact of International Rules and Norms,” in International Studies Quarterly 40, 4 (December 1996), pp. 451-478 (with Andrew P. Cortell). Reprinted in Timothy J. Sinclair (ed.), Global Governance: Critical Concepts in Political Science (New York: Routledge, 2000); also reprinted in Beth Simmons (ed.), International Law. London: Sage, 2008.

Projecting Power: An Indirect Approach, in Charles Hermann (ed.), The American Defense Annual: 1993-1994. New York: Lexington Books, 1994, pp. 129-146. (with Jack L. Snyder)


Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)

Thaler, Philipp & Pakalkaite, Vija (2020) Governance through Real-Time Compliance: The Supranationalisation of European External Energy Policy. Journal of European Public Policy, online first ISSN 1350-1763.

Goldthau, Andreas C., Joern Richert, and Stephan Stetter (2020), Leviathan Awakens: Gas Finds, Energy Governance, and the Emergence of the Eastern Mediterranean as a Geopolitical Region. Review of Policy Research, online first.

Hofmann, Benjamin; Jevnaker, Torbjørg & Thaler, Philipp (2019) Following, Challenging, or Shaping: Can Third Countries Influence EU Energy Policy? Politics and Governance, 7 (1). 152-164. ISSN 2183–2463 

Richert, Jörn (2016). From Single Voice to Coordinated Polyphony EU Energy Policy and the External DimensionEuropean Foreign Affairs Review, 22(2), 213–232.

Richert, Jörn (2015). Coal’s not cool: Energy & Turkey’s Reputation. In: Turkish Policy Quarterly, 14:2.

In preparation:

  • Thaler, Philipp (in preparation). “The European Green Deal: procedural supranationalism drives European integration.”
  • Thaler, Philipp (in preparation). “Network Power Europe – Weaponized interdependence in the trans-European electricity system.”
  • Thaler, Philipp and Hofmann, Benjamin (in preparation for academic journal Political Geography). “Reconciling the impossible trinity of energy transition: Energy security, economic efficiency, and sovereignty in cross-border electricity systems”


Hettich, Peter; Thaler, Philipp; Camenisch, Livia; Hofmann, Benjamin; Petrovich, Beatrice & Wüstenhagen, Rolf : Europeanization of the Swiss Energy System. 13. Zürich/St.Gallen : Dike Verlag. 

Thaler, Philipp (2020). Shaping EU Foreign Policy Towards Russia: Improving Coherence in External Relations. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

 Book Chapters

Hofmann, Benjamin, Thaler, Philipp & Kolcava, David (forthcoming 2021, accepted). Shaper, Follower, or Outsider? The Role of Switzerland in European Electricity Governance. In Hettich, Peter and Aya Kachi (Eds.): Swiss Energy Governance: Political, Economic and Legal Challenges and Opportunities in the Energy Transition. Berlin: Springer Nature. 

 Policy Papers 

Thaler, Philipp: Energy cooperation between the EU and Switzerland: Partners by destiny in search of a new model.GovTran Policy Brief, Nr. 01: GovTran network, 2020.

Thaler, Philipp; Hofmann, Benjamin; Abegg, Andreas; Bornemann, Basil; Braunreiter, Lukas; Burger, Paul; Dörig, Leonie; Ejderyan, Olivier; Heselhaus, Sebastian; Opitz, Christian; Petrovich, Beatrice; Rinscheid, Adrian; Schillig, Ivo; Schreiber, Markus & Sohre, Annika: Schweizer Energiepolitik zwischen Bund, Kantonen und Gemeinden: Zentralisieren, dezentralisieren oder koordinieren?SCCER CREST White Paper, Nr. 7 : SCCER CREST, 2019, 

Richert, Jörn, Mamel, Sara, et al. (2017). Eine globale Energiewende? Aufgaben und Ressourcen an der Schnittstelle von Energiewende und Außenpolitik. SNV Impulse. 

Richert, Jörn (2016). Turkey: Great Potential, Missing Will, in: Sybille Roehrkasten, Sonja Thielges, Rainer Quitzow (2016): The G20‘s potential for advancing a gobal transition towards sustainable energy. IASS Study. Potsdam: Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies.

 Conference Contributions and Lectures

Thaler, Philipp (2020). “Network Power Europe: Participatory Requirements in the European Electricity Market”. Swiss Political Science Association Conference 2020, Lucerne, Switzerland, 3-4 February 2020

Thaler, Philipp (2019). “Network Power Europe: Participatory Requirements in the European Electricity Market”. Annual Conference of the European Communities Studies Association Switzerland (ECSA Suisse), St. Gallen, Switzerland, November 14-15, 2019

Hofmann, Benjamin (2019). «Switzerland in European Energy Governance”, SHSG Science Slam, Universität St.Gallen, (14.11.2019).

Thaler, Philipp (2019). “Network Power Europe: Participatory Requirements in the European Electricity Market.” ECPR General Conference 2019, Wroclaw, Poland, 4-7 September 2019

Thaler, Philipp (2019). “Governance through Real-Time Compliance – The Supranationalization of European External Energy Policy”. COST workshop 2019 on the EU's climate and energy policy, organized by Working Group 2 of the COST Action CA17119, Darmstadt, Germany, 11-13 March 2019

Thaler, Philipp (2019). “Governance through Real-Time Compliance – The Supranationalization of European External Energy Policy”. Swiss Political Science Association Conference 2019 and Dreiländertagung, Zurich, Switzerland, 14-16 February 2019: 

Thaler, Philipp (2018). “Governance through Real-Time Compliance – The Supranationalization of European External Energy Policy”. ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance Biennial Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4-6 July 2018

Richert, Jörn (2016). Globalizing the Energiewende - what a conscious German energy transition foreign policy can (and should) contribute, Vortrag beim Executive Education Programme der HSG Renewable Energy Management, 20.01.2016, Berlin.

Richert, Jörn (2016). Deutschlands Energiewende-Aussenpolitik– bisherige Entwicklung, nächste Schritte, Deutscher Bundestag, EUFORES Workshop im Deutschen Bundestag, Energieeffizienz und erneuerbare Energie made in Europe – Chancen und Herausforderungen der EU Energie Union für Deutschland, 25.04.2016, Berlin.

Richert, Jörn (2016). Predicting Energy Scarcity and Abundance- Understanding the Power of the International Energy Agency,Workshop: The Potentials and Pitfalls of Predicting Politics, ETH Zürich, 26.-27.08.2016.

Richert, Jörn (2016). Netzwerkpolitische Strategien für die Kommunikation der Energiewende im Ausland, Botschafter-Konferenz des Auswärtigen Amtes, 31.08.2016, Berlin.

Richert, Jörn (2016). A Swiss energy foreign policy that supports the Energy Strategy, SCCER CREST Annual Conference, 01.09.2016, Winterthur.

Richert, Jörn (2016). Turkey: Great Potentials, Missing Will, Präsentation auf dem IASS Workshop „The G20: Potential for Advancing a Global Transition Towards Sustainable Energy“, IASS Potsdam, 10.-11.10.2016, Potsdam.

Richert, Jörn (2015). What can an active German energy transition foreign policy contri­bute to a global sustainable energy fu­ture, 15th SUIBE–KAS WTO Conferen­ce 2015, 15.05.2015, Shanghai.

Richert, Jörn (2015). The Role of Turkey in Energy Cooperation in the Eastern Mediterra­nean, Conference Energy Cooperation and Security in the Eastern Mediterra­nean, 04.06.2015, The S. Daniel Abra­ham Center, Tel Aviv University.

Richert, Jörn (2015). Addressing the Governance Challenges of the Swiss Energy Transi­tion, 08.09.2015, SCCER CREST Con­ference, St.Gallen.

Richert, Jörn (2015). The Construction of Con­flict Futures and its Impact on Political Practice – The Cases of Energy and Cyber Security, 9th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, 24.09.2015, Giardini-Naxos.

 EGI Working Papers

Hofmann, Benjamin & Richert, Jörn: Effektivere Mehrebenenpolitik im Bereich Strom. EGI Working Papers Series, 2017, 9. 

Hofmann, Benjamin & Richert, Jörn: Effektivere Mehrebenenpolitik im Bereich Wärme. EGI Working Papers Series, 2016, 8. 

Hofmann, Benjamin & Richert, Jörn: St.Gallen und die Schweizer Energiepolitik: Sieben Thesen für eine effektive Mehrebenenpolitik.EGI Working Papers Series, 2015, 7. 

 Newspaper and Magazine Articles

Thaler, Philipp and Vija Pakalkaite (June 2020). How EU external energy policy has become ‘supranationalised’ – and what this means for European integration. The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) blog.

Thaler, Philipp (2020). Energy cooperation between the EU and Switzerland – Partners in search of a new modelHSG Focus 1/2020

Hofmann, Benjamin: Der «Green Deal» – eine Chance für die Schweiz. In: Tages-Anzeiger 127 (2019), 291, S. 13. 

Richert, Jörn (2017). Global, gemeinsam, vernetzt: Wie eine deutsche Energiewende-Außenpolitik aussehen müssteInternationale Politik, Juli/August 2016, 100-104.

Completed Third-Party Funded Projects

Europäische Einbindung des Schweizer Energiesystems. Gemeinsam mit IFF-HSG und IWÖ-HSG. Finanzierung: SNF. Laufzeit: Juni 2018 - Mai 2019.

Energiewende-Aussenpolitik Deutschlands. Gemeinsam mit Stiftung Neue Verantwortung Berlin. Finanzierung: Auswärtiges Amt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Laufzeit: März 2016 - Februar 2017. 

Die Zukunft des St. Galler Energiekonzeptes 2050 – Handlungs- und Gestaltungsspielräume im Mehrebenensystem der Schweizer Energiepolitik. Teilprojekt in einem Konsortium mit dem EGI-HSG. Finanzierung: Stadt St.Gallen, Amt für Umwelt und Energie. Laufzeit: März 2015 - Februar 2017.


Workshop: “Swiss Energy Strategy 2050 and EU Clean Energy Package: Stronger Together?”; pre-conference workshop for the St.Gallen Forum for Management of Renewable Energies (#REMforum), 23-24 May 2019, St.Gallen, Switzerland.

Workshop: Wie weiter mit der Energiewende-Aussenpolitik? Gemeinsam organisiert von IPW-HSG, SNV und Auswärtigem Amt, 27.1.2017, Berlin.

Workshop: Schweizer Energiepolitik als Mehrebenenpolitik – Hin zu einer effektiv(er)en Zusammenarbeit von Bund, Kantonen und Städten, 11.12.2015, Rathaus der Stadt St.Gallen. 

 Digital Ressources

Thaler, Philipp: CREST: Schweizer Energiepolitik zwischen Bund, Kantonen und Gemeinden [Video Blog]. URL: SCCER CREST (11 May 2020).

Hofmann, Benjamin: Swiss Multi-Level Energy Governance: EGI-HSG Energy Video [Blog]. URL: . EGI-HSG (15 Januar 2019). 


Ballinari, Y. (2020, February 27). “Thaler: ‘Status quo ohne Stromabkommen nicht haltbar’” (Thaler: ‘Status quo won’t last without an electricity agreement’). Interview of Philipp Thaler with energate messenger.ch

SRF (2020, January 14). “EU-«Green Deal»: Eine Billion für die Umwelt” (“EU-‘Green Deal’: One Trillion for the Environment”). Television Interview of Philipp Thaler with 10 vor 10; SRF

Stalder, H. (2019, December 5). “Stromimport wird teurer und unsicherer” (Electricity imports become more expensive and insecure). Reference to co-authored study in Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ)

Ballinari, Y. (2019, May 27). “Stromabkommen mit der EU in der Diskussion” (Discussing the electricity agreement with the EU). Interview of Philipp Thaler with energate messenger.ch

SRF (2019, May 23). “Skepsis gegenüber Klimanotstand” (Scepticism about climate emergency). Radio interview of Philipp Thaler with Regionaljournal Ostschweiz, SRF 1  

Schmid, C. (2019, May). “Föderales Gewirr in der Energiepolitik reduzieren” (Reducing the Federal Tangle in Energy Policy). Interview of Philipp Thaler with HSG Focus 2/2019.

Müller, A. (2019, March 9). “Die Zürcher fliegen zu viel und torpedieren so ihre eigenen Klimaziele” (The people of Zurich fly too much and undermine their own climate targets in this way). Philipp Thaler quoted in Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ)
