Chair of Comparative Politics

We aim to publish our research results in major journals and monographs from publishers of international standing.
Latest Publications

Freyburg, T., L. Garbe and V. Wavre (2022)

Review of International Organizations, online first.

Party Politics

Mohrenberg, S., R. Hubert and T. Freyburg (2021)
Party Politics 27(39) 528-539.

West European Politics

Marcos-Marné, H., C. Plaza-Colodro, and T. Freyburg (2020)
West European Politics 43(1): 1-21.

Freyburg, T., S. Lavenex, F. Schimmelfennig, T. Skripka, A. Wetzel (2015) EU Democracy Promotion by Functional Cooperation: The European Union and Its Neighbourhood, Palgrave.

[1] Leininger, L., S. Grimm, and T. Freyburg (eds.) (2013) Do All Good Things Go Together? Conflicting Objectives in Democracy Promotion, Routledge.
[19] Freyburg, T., L. Garbe and V. Wavre (2022) The political power of internet business: A comprehensive dataset of Telecommunications Ownership and Control (TOSCO), Review of International Organizations, online first.
[18] Mohrenberg, S., R. Hubert and T. Freyburg (2021) Love at First Sight? Populist Attitudes and Support for Direct DemocracyParty Politics 27(3): 528-539.
[17] Marcos-Marné, H., C. Plaza-Colodro, and T. Freyburg (2020) Who Votes for New Parties? Economic Voting, Political Ideology, and Populist Attitudes, West European Politics 43(1): 1-21.
[16] Freyburg, T., and L. Garbe (2018) Blocking the Bottleneck: Internet Shutdowns and Ownership at Election Times in Sub-Saharan AfricaInternational Journal of Communication 12: 3896-3916.
[15] Böhmelt, T., and T. Freyburg (2018) Forecasting Candidate States' Compliance with EU Accession Rules, 2017-2050Journal of European Public Policy 25(11): 1667-1685.
[14] Freyburg, T., S. Lavenex, F. Schimmelfennig (2017) Just an Illusion? Democratization in the International RealmSwiss Political Science Review 23(3): 246–252.
[13] Freyburg, T. (2015) Transgovernmental Networks as an Apprenticeship in Democracy? Socialization into Democratic Governance through Cross-national ActivitiesInternational Studies Quarterly 59(1): 59-72.
[12] Freyburg, T., and S. Richter (2015) Local Actors in the Driver's Seat: Transatlantic Democracy Promotion under Regime Competition in the Arab WorldDemocratization 22(3): 496-518.
[11] Böhmelt, T., and T. Freyburg (2015) Diffusion of Compliance in the ‘Race towards Brussels?’ A Spatial Approach to EU Accession ConditionalityWest European Politics 38(3): 601-626.
[10] Böhmelt, T., and T. Freyburg (2013) The Temporal Dimension of the Credibility of EU Conditionality and Candidate States’ Compliance with the Acquis Communautaire, 1998-2009European Union Politics 14(2): 250–272.
[9] Freyburg, T. (2012) The Two Sides of Functional Cooperation with Authoritarian Regimes: A Multi-level Perspective on the Conflict of Objectives between Political Stability and Democratic ChangeDemocratization 19(3): 575-601.
[8] Freyburg, T. (2012) The Janus Face of EU Migration Governance: Impairing Democratic Governance at Home – Improving it Abroad?European Foreign Affairs Review 17(2): 289-30.
[7] Freyburg, T. (2012) Planting the Seeds of Change Inside? Functional Cooperation with Authoritarian Regimes and Socialization into Democratic GovernanceWorld Political Science 8(1).
[6] Freyburg, T. (2012) Wenn die Wüste blüht. Eine Replik auf Thomas Bräuninger [When the desert blooms], Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen/ German Journal of International Relations 19(1): 103-120.
[5] Freyburg, T. (2011) Transgovernmental Networks as Catalysts for Democratic Change? EU Functional Cooperation with Arab Authoritarian Regimes and Socialization of Involved State Officials into Democratic GovernanceDemocratization 18(4): 1001-25.
[4] Freyburg, T. (2011) Demokratisierung durch Zusammenarbeit? Funktionale Kooperation mit autoritären Regimen und Sozialisation in demokratischem Regieren [Democratization through cooperation? ... ], Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen/ German Journal of International Relations 18(1): 5-46.
[3] Freyburg, T., S. Lavenex, F. Schimmelfennig, T. Skripka, A. Wetzel (2011) Democracy Promotion through Functional Cooperation? The Case of the European Neighbourhood Policy, Democratization 18(4): 1026-54.
[2] Freyburg, T., and S. Richter (2010) National Identity Matters: The Limited Impact of EU Political Conditionality in the Western BalkansJournal of European Public Policy 17(2): 262-80.
[1] Freyburg, T., S. Lavenex, F. Schimmelfennig, T. Skripka, A. Wetzel (2009) EU Promotion of Democratic Governance in the Neighbourhood, Journal of European Public Policy 16(6): 916-34.
[4] Wavre, V., and T. Freyburg (2020) Leapfrogging the EU: Telecommunications Regulation in Morocco, in: R. Del Sarto and S. Tholens (eds.) Resisting Europe. Practices of Contestation in the Mediterranean Middle East, University of Michigan Press.
[3] Freyburg, T., and S. Lavenex (2018) Democracy Promotion By Functional Cooperation, in: T. Schumacher, T. Demmelhuber, and A. Marchetti (eds.) Routledge Handbook of the European Neighbourhood Policy, Routledge.
[2] Freyburg, T. (2013) EU-Förderung von demokratischem Regieren: Das Demokratisierungspotential funktionaler Kooperation mit autoritären Regimen. [EU Promotion of Democratic Governance: The Democratizing Potential of Functional Cooperation with Authoritarian Regimes], in: A. Auer (ed.) Demokratisierung im arabischen Raum. Schulthess: 67-93.
[1] Freyburg, T., S. Lavenex, F. Schimmelfennig, T. Skripka, A. Wetzel (2008) Neue Wege der externen Demokratieförderung: Demokratisches Regieren in der Europäischen Nachbarschaftspolitik. [Promoting Democratic Governance in the European Neighbourhood: An Innovative Model], in: G. Erdmann and M. Kneuer (eds) Externe Faktoren der Demokratisierung, Nomos: 169-93.


Team Members

  • (2023). Scrutinizing countries' climate commitments: Insights from recovery spending. sciencedirect, online. (with F. Egli, N. Schmid, T. Fransen, A. Isah, A.Pineda, Ch. Beaton & T.S. Schmidt)
  • (2023) Fransen, T., Meckling, J., Stünzi, A., Schmidt, T., Egli F., Schmid, N. & Beaton, Ch. Taking stock of the implementation gap in climate policy Nature Climate Change, online
  • (2023). Pushed to finance? Assessing technology export as a motivator for coal finance abroad. IOPscience, online. (with N. Manych, F. Egli, N. Ohlendorf, T. Schmidt, B. Steffen & J. Steckel
  • (2022). Consistent and replicable estimation of bilateral climate finance. Nature Climate Change, online first. (with M. Toetzke & F. Egli)
  • (2021). Responsibility-Sharing in Refugee Protection: Lessons from Climate Governance, International Studies Quarterly, 65(2): 476-487 (with Philipp Lutz & Stefan Manser-Egli).
  • (2020). What are the factors and needs promoting mobility-as-a-service? Findings from the Swiss Household Energy Demand Survey (SHEDS). European Transport Research Review 12: 1-16 (with Raphael Hoerler, Anthony Patt & Andrea Del Duce).
  • (2020). Humanitarian protection as a European public good: The strategic role of states and refugees. Journal of Common Market Studies 58(3): 757-775 (with Philipp Lutz & David Kaufmann).
  • (2019). The impact of green preferences on the relevance of history versus expectations. Environment and Development Economics 24(6): 583-607 (with Andreas Schäfer).
  • (2019). A dynamic climate finance allocation mechanism reflecting the Paris Agreement. Environmental Research Letters 14(11): 114024 (with Florian Egli, Florian).

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