[19] Freyburg, T., L. Garbe and V. Wavre (2022) The political power of internet business: A comprehensive dataset of Telecommunications Ownership and Control (TOSCO), Review of International Organizations, online first. |
[18] Mohrenberg, S., R. Hubert and T. Freyburg (2021) Love at First Sight? Populist Attitudes and Support for Direct Democracy, Party Politics 27(3): 528-539. |
[17] Marcos-Marné, H., C. Plaza-Colodro, and T. Freyburg (2020) Who Votes for New Parties? Economic Voting, Political Ideology, and Populist Attitudes, West European Politics 43(1): 1-21. |
[16] Freyburg, T., and L. Garbe (2018) Blocking the Bottleneck: Internet Shutdowns and Ownership at Election Times in Sub-Saharan Africa, International Journal of Communication 12: 3896-3916. |
[15] Böhmelt, T., and T. Freyburg (2018) Forecasting Candidate States' Compliance with EU Accession Rules, 2017-2050, Journal of European Public Policy 25(11): 1667-1685. |
[14] Freyburg, T., S. Lavenex, F. Schimmelfennig (2017) Just an Illusion? Democratization in the International Realm, Swiss Political Science Review 23(3): 246–252. |
[13] Freyburg, T. (2015) Transgovernmental Networks as an Apprenticeship in Democracy? Socialization into Democratic Governance through Cross-national Activities, International Studies Quarterly 59(1): 59-72. |
[12] Freyburg, T., and S. Richter (2015) Local Actors in the Driver's Seat: Transatlantic Democracy Promotion under Regime Competition in the Arab World, Democratization 22(3): 496-518. |
[11] Böhmelt, T., and T. Freyburg (2015) Diffusion of Compliance in the ‘Race towards Brussels?’ A Spatial Approach to EU Accession Conditionality, West European Politics 38(3): 601-626. |
[10] Böhmelt, T., and T. Freyburg (2013) The Temporal Dimension of the Credibility of EU Conditionality and Candidate States’ Compliance with the Acquis Communautaire, 1998-2009, European Union Politics 14(2): 250–272. |
[9] Freyburg, T. (2012) The Two Sides of Functional Cooperation with Authoritarian Regimes: A Multi-level Perspective on the Conflict of Objectives between Political Stability and Democratic Change, Democratization 19(3): 575-601. |
[8] Freyburg, T. (2012) The Janus Face of EU Migration Governance: Impairing Democratic Governance at Home – Improving it Abroad?, European Foreign Affairs Review 17(2): 289-30. |
[7] Freyburg, T. (2012) Planting the Seeds of Change Inside? Functional Cooperation with Authoritarian Regimes and Socialization into Democratic Governance, World Political Science 8(1). |
[6] Freyburg, T. (2012) Wenn die Wüste blüht. Eine Replik auf Thomas Bräuninger [When the desert blooms], Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen/ German Journal of International Relations 19(1): 103-120. |
[5] Freyburg, T. (2011) Transgovernmental Networks as Catalysts for Democratic Change? EU Functional Cooperation with Arab Authoritarian Regimes and Socialization of Involved State Officials into Democratic Governance, Democratization 18(4): 1001-25. |
[4] Freyburg, T. (2011) Demokratisierung durch Zusammenarbeit? Funktionale Kooperation mit autoritären Regimen und Sozialisation in demokratischem Regieren [Democratization through cooperation? ... ], Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen/ German Journal of International Relations 18(1): 5-46. |
[3] Freyburg, T., S. Lavenex, F. Schimmelfennig, T. Skripka, A. Wetzel (2011) Democracy Promotion through Functional Cooperation? The Case of the European Neighbourhood Policy, Democratization 18(4): 1026-54. |
[2] Freyburg, T., and S. Richter (2010) National Identity Matters: The Limited Impact of EU Political Conditionality in the Western Balkans, Journal of European Public Policy 17(2): 262-80. |
[1] Freyburg, T., S. Lavenex, F. Schimmelfennig, T. Skripka, A. Wetzel (2009) EU Promotion of Democratic Governance in the Neighbourhood, Journal of European Public Policy 16(6): 916-34. |