Person Detail

Jana-Christina von Dessien

Jana-Christina von Dessien

Jana-Christina von Dessien


Doctoral researcher

Prorektorat Forschung & Faculty
Büro 58-515
Tellstrasse 2
9000 St Gallen
Main Focuses

International Relations

IR Theories

International Security Governance

International Humanitarian Law

Fields of research

International Security

Legitimation of Emerging Technologies

International Norms & Governance

Further fields of research

Process-Tracing, Groupthink, Framing


B.A. Political Science/English and American Studies, University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU)

M.A. International Politics and International Law, University Kiel (CAU)

Professional Career

Programm Lead International Law, FORAUS, Zurich

Editorial Assistent, German Marshall Fund of the United States, Berlin

Teaching Activities

International Relations Theories, Exercises (4,300,2.00)


"Humanitäres Völkerrecht und Rüstungskontrollregime in Zeiten von Drohnen und Robotern" Ch. 4 in: Hinausschauen - 26 Globale Entwicklungen und die Schweiz, FORAUS (May 2023)

"25 Years of the Ottawa Treaty - How Civil Society Organizations Respond to Changes in Warfare and the International Political Environment" FORAUS (28 November 2022)

"25 Years of the Ottawa Treaty - or the Non-Proliferation of a Radically Simple Idea" FORAUS (17 November 2022)

“The Day the Music Stopped” 9DASHLINE (2 March 2022)

"Why a UCAV-Driven Counterterrorism Strategy Will Prove Unsustainable in Afghanistan" FORAUS (29 August 2021)

“Implications of a UCAV-Driven Strategy for Counterterrorism” FORAUS (23 August 2021)

“Scorched Earth - and the Hour of European Intrepidness” (20 January 2021)



FORAUS - Swiss Forum on Foreign Policy

Scientific Forum on International Security (WIFIS): Command and Staff College of the German Armed Forces (Hamburg), Austrian National Defense Academy (Vienna)

Additional Information